Tenuta Bonzara, Monte San Pietro (BO)

Superbonus 110%

Interventi integrati di restauro e risanamento conservativo: coibentazione termica; miglioramento sismico; riprogettazione interna; interventi impiantistici; inserimento energie rinnovabili

The restoration of this series of farmhouses, typical examples of historic rural buildings in the Bolognese countryside, took place through an integrated system of interventions. First of all structural consolidation work was carried out, seismic improvement by means of reinforced plaster and rebuilding of wooden floors and roofs, with the creation of chains to encourage boxiness.

These were accompanied by thermal insulation, renovation of the plant engineering and distribution system with radiant floors, installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof, and, finally, an overall rethinking of the living spaces and environments inside the building, down to the level of detailed design.